I would like to explain why this website has been an inactive “ghost” site for the past several years.  Before I launch into that narrative however, I want to express my personal apology for any and all inconvenience, doubt and confusion caused by discontinuity of this website.

By way of explanation, I have to cite some personal history. For the past thirty-plus years my primary business has been general contracting which means that mostly I have built and remodeled residences and commercial buildings. My company was also active in architectural woodworking and cabinetmaking related to our own project needs. I initiated Willard Woodwrights because I enjoy the self-contained independence of creating stand alone pieces.

This worked well for years until I experienced a debilitating neurological event. It was unclear upon what basis I would be able to continue to work at all, but I was convinced that my career as a General Contractor belonged to my past. This was based upon personal preference as much as doubt about my abilities. While recovering and not able to perform woodworking, I did think about it and missed the sense of personal expression that it provided. I do not wish to imply that the practice of the craft which I have loved these many years has somehow magically restored me to my previous self. That would simply not be true.

It has required considerable effort on my part, buttressed by the support of my wife and family along with excellent medical care in order to create a new chapter. I do believe that the continuity of woodworking and the desire for same has been of positive benefit to me, a deeply personal expression of living.

I hope that this helps you to understand the why and what of this chain of events. I am grateful for your past and future patronage and look forward to your input on our new blog activity

Thank you.